Knowledge Base
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My Enstack Account
Creating and managing your Enstack account
Creating and managing your products
Create orders with options to use integrated shipping and request payment either in COD or NON COD Payment.
Accepts COD and NON COD payments.
Know more about the different ways you can ship with Enstack.
Online Stores
Manage and customize your Web Store and Chat Store in one place
Enstack Magic
Learn more about how Enstack Magic can empower your business with AI.
Manage your Enstack income from your wallet.
Manage your income and expense with this easy to use accounting tool.
Shows insights about your business to help you decide better on where to improve.
Refund and Return Policy
What to do when you encounter problems with your orders.
Didn't find answers? Check out these articles.
Seller Vouchers
Create your own voucher programs for your store.
Recent Articles
How do I activate GCash on my webstore?
To activate GCash on your webstore, please send the following documents to, based on your entity type. Note that GCash activation are subject to review and approval, which can take up to 15 business days from the date all documents are ...
How to use QRPh as a payment option?
QRPh is a new QR-based payment option available for merchants on the Advanced Tier, automatically added alongside e-wallet and direct debit payments. It allows customers to pay by scanning a QR code using any e-wallet or mobile banking app partnered ...
How do I set courier priority, and how can I save my changes?
I. Navigate to the Courier List in Shipping Settings, where you can use the drag-and-drop feature to reorder couriers in your preferred priority. II. After adjusting your settings, click Save to confirm. III. A success message will appear, indicating ...
How can I enable or disable “Standard” and “Same-Day” shipping options independently, and how do these changes reflect in my webstore and cashier?
In Shipping Settings, you’ll see separate toggles for Standard and Same-Day shipping options. Toggle Standard or Same-Day to “Disable” to remove that option from your checkout page. If both options are disabled, the Delivery option will be removed ...
How can I book multiple standard shipping orders?
To book multiple standard shipping orders, follow these steps: I. On the All Orders page click the Action Menu icon “...”. II. Then, select Mass Booking. III. Choose the orders you want to book. IV. Once you've selected the desired orders, click the ...