What is the Product Report?

What is the Product Report?

What is in my Product Report?
Your product report gives you a snapshot of your sales by product. Learn about which products are driving the growth of your business and which ones may have unrealized potential to grow.

When you download the product report, it downloads the sales by product for your selected date range with the following fields.

Order Created At
When the order was created.
Order Completed At
When the order was Delivered.
Order ID
Order ID of the sale.
Product Created At
When the product was created.
Product Name
Name of the product.
Variant Name
Name of the variant. If product has only 1 variant, it will have the same value as Product Name.
Quantity of the product variant sold for that order.
Product Price
Original unit price of the product variant sold.
Paid Price
Paid unit price of the product variant sold. Lower if a sale price has been applied.
Total Product Sales
Total paid price, or the quantity multiplied by the paid price.

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