Can I choose which Same Day Shipping couriers I can use?

Can I choose which Same Day Shipping couriers I can use?

Enstack makes sure to assign your orders to the cheapest courier that can pick up and deliver your specific order, meaning we first check which couriers can service your order, and we assign the courier with the cheapest rate.

If ever you want to select which couriers are considered, you can now do so.

To choose which couriers to turn on for your Web Store, head to your shipping settings, turn on the couriers you want to ship with, and tap Save.

Some reminders about shipping toggles:
1. If all couriers are turned off, Same Day Shipping will be hidden from the shipping options during checkout
2. If you see an "Unserviceable" tag next to the courier name, it means that that courier is unable to pick up from your pickup address and will not be included when assigning orders

This may affect the eligibility of same day shipping for some orders if the remaining active couriers are unable to ship to the delivery address.

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