How are shipping fees computed?

How are shipping fees computed?

Shipping fees are computed differently between Same Day Shipping and Standard Shipping, but all are dependent on your orders’ actual weight and dimensions, pickup address, and delivery addresses.

To understand how your shipping fees are computed, read on.

Computing your Volumetric Weight and Chargeable Weight

Enstack uses your items’ actual weight and dimensions to compute your order’s total weight and volume, which allows us to determine the order’s chargeable weight.

Actual Total Weight = Sum of the weights of the products

Simply put, the total weight of your order is based on the sum of the weights of all the items within that order

Total Volume = Max of Lengths × Max of Widths × Sum of Heights

To approximate the volume of the total parcel, we use the formula above. This estimates the total volume of the box your items will be put inside if you stack the items on top of each other.

Volumetric Weight = Total Volume ÷ 3,500

Volumetric Weight helps estimate the supposed weight of an order given the dimensions of its products. It helps properly estimate the appropriate shipping fees especially for bulky items like diapers.

Chargeable Weight = the greater between Total Weight and Volumetric Weight

Couriers charge based on the higher value between actual weight and volumetric weight.

For Same Day Shipping

Same Day Shipping couriers charge based on the vehicle type booked (e.g. motorcycle or sedan) and the distance between the pickup point and destination point. A COD fee may be applied if the order will be paid using Cash. If creating orders during peak hours, surge pricing may also be applied by the couriers.

Tip: To ensure accurate computed shipping fees:
1. Make sure your pin location for both pickup and delivery addresses are accurate.

2. Measure your products accurately, measuring the weight and dimensions based on its full package (i.e. keep it in its box while measuring)

3. Create and book orders during leaner hours, as surge pricing is being implemented by partner couriers

For Standard Shipping

Standard Shipping fees are computed based on an order’s chargeable weight and the pickup area and delivery area of the order (e.g. from Metro Manila to Mindanao). Aside from the base rate, a valuation fee (dependent on the total value of the items) and COD fee (if Cash is used) will be applied to your shipping fee.

Tip: To ensure accurate computed shipping fees:
1. Make sure your pin location for both pickup and delivery addresses are accurate.

2. Measure your products accurately, measuring the weight and dimensions based on its full package (i.e. keep it in its box while measuring)

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