How can I cancel an order?

How can I cancel an order?

You may only cancel orders whose status is still Pending.

To cancel an order:
1. Tap the Orders icon on the menu to go to the Orders page.
2. Tap the specific order you want to cancel.
3. Scroll to the bottom and tap Cancel Order.
4. Choose a reason for cancellation:
  • Out of Stock - No available stock to fulfil the order

  • Buyer Changed Mind - Buyer changed their mind and will no longer proceed with the order

  • Duplicate Order - Buyer placed an order more than once or an order was created more than once

  • Incorrect Buyer Details - Order was placed or created with incorrect buyer details

  • Buyer Ordered the Wrong Item - Buyer made a mistake and wants to cancel their order

  • Incorrect Product Details - Product details are not accurate to the actual product

5. Tap Confirm Cancellation to confirm.

Once an order has been booked for pickup, is in transit, or has been delivered, it cannot be cancelled anymore.

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