I want to request for cancellation due to delayed shipment by the seller
We highly suggest contacting the seller if you wish to cancel your order. Note that orders that have been booked for pick-up can no longer be canceled.
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I want to request for cancelation due to delayed delivery
We ensure that orders are delivered on time. We can no longer cancel the order if it's already booked for pick-up or In-transit as we don't have any control over our partner courier.
I want to request for cancelation due to incorrect shipping details
We highly suggest contacting the seller if you wish to cancel your order. Note that orders that have been booked for pick-up can no longer be canceled.
Refund Charges
Refund Charges as of October 2024 Effective October 15, 2024, a withdrawal fee and transaction fee will be deducted for every cancellation. Note that this will apply to all orders created on the mentioned date. There are two charges for the refund. ...
What is the latest date by which a seller or buyer can submit a claim?
Claims window vary depending on the assigned courier and the type of claims. Below is the timeframe of claims filing. Note: Click prohibited and restricted items for the complete list.
Refund and Return Policy
Refund and Return Policy (“Policy”) as of September 2023. Enstack 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.1. “Account” – The Buyer’s personal account in the Application of Enstack. 1.2. “Application” – The Mobile Application, Chatstore, and Webstore of Enstack. ...